What is the Best Wrinkle Treatment

We are always looking for ways to look more attractive, beautiful and have a healthy body, but as we age the signs of aging start to show up and have to take the necessary measures to prevent and revert damage to the skin.

Millions of dollars are spent every year on anti wrinkle treatments of all kinds, some are invasive, non invasive and other people like to use anti wrinkle cream products or alternative treatments.

Wrinkle happens because our body declines to produce collagen and elastin tissues that the fibers of our skin need to stay firm. As we age collagen gets damaged by free radicals and thus wrinkles appear in the outer layer of our skin.

You can have fine lines or deep creases, if you only have few fine lines is easy to treat with some non invasive treatments, but if you have deep creases like harsher lines you might need plastic surgery.

If you have just superficial wrinkles it will be enough to have some minor lifestyle changes like eating healthy foods, avoid smoking, use sunscreen, drink a lot of water and take vitamins.

To treat wrinkle you need anti oxidants like vitamins A, C and E, beta carotene and fruits like blue berries, fish, red wine and moisturizers.

Best Wrinkle Treatments

The most used ant wrinkle treatments are:


Botox injection neutralizes the muscles of your skin thus preventing them from contracting and showing up wrinkles, it can be effective if done by a professional. However the effects of botox only last for a few months and then you will need another treatment.

Radio Wave Frequency

This kind of treatment is gaining a lot of popularity, it uses heat to increase collagen production in certain areas of your skin. “Thermage” is one of the companies that offers it. The benefits of this treatment is that is non invasive, does not require recovery time and is more affordable than face lifts.

Face Lift

A face lift has become a common practice for a lot of people that want to get rid of deep wrinkles, however it requires surgical intervention, have some minor risks and requires recovery time.

Cosmetic Surgery

This is very common in celebrities and people that need a complete change in their facial look, it is expensive, invasive and have some risks.

There are many other treatments like laser resurfacing, chemical peels, acupuncture face-lift, etc. But is not easy to choose the best one, it depends on how severe is your case, what age you have, what is your health and how much is your budget.

Is important that you consult your dermatologist before making any decision and hear reviews of people that have undergo those treatments.

Anti Wrinkle Creams

On the other hand you might not need a complicated anti wrinkle treatment, one of the major reasons that our skin wrinkles is due to free radicals, lack of collagen and elastin in the body that keeps the skin firm.

There are some breakthrough natural ingredients that can promote the natural production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid in the body, thus your skin will recover its original shape and reduce wrinkles.

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