Odds are, if you use anti aging creams, you make it a point to find out about a product first before getting it. You ask friends who have tried the product for feedback. You also read aging cream reviews. After all, if there’s anything that will give you a clear idea of how a product works, it’s a review written by someone who has used it.
But are the anti aging cream reviews telling you what you need to know?
Unfortunately, most product reviews are written not by people who have used them. Rather, they are written by people with products to sell. Do not be surprised if you come across a review that makes a face gel (you yourself know doesn’t work, from first-hand experience) sound like the next best thing since indoor plumbing.
In the review you’re reading, that’s not the user talking; that’s the need to sell as many items to as many people as possible. It’s not just retailers who do this. On the not too far end of the spectrum, you have companies who review their own products and recommending these as “must-haves”. Some of these reviews are actually true, but usually, they’re not.
How can you tell the good reviews from the bad?
1. A good review does not pitch a product right from the start. Do not trust one that does. However, don’t be so quick to trash enthusiastic reviews either. People who are so overjoyed by creams that work usually gush on and on about the differences they’re seeing.
2. A good review educates. It does not overwhelm you with made-up statistics. Instead, it helps you see how a certain product can help you.
3. A good review is objective. It covers a product’s good points and drawbacks.
It’s not easy finding anti aging cream reviews that inspire confidence; but with the tips I gave, you should do fine. Good luck!