Skin Tag Treatment

Do you have a skin tag in your face? Do you see this growth as unaesthetic and you want to get rid of it? If you want to know some tag treatments, you may find some helpful tips in this article.

This article contains tips to treat tags and clear your skin of these growths. However, it may be necessary to mention that skin tags are benign meaning that tags are not harmful. It is not a medical condition and thus insurance companies do not even bother putting coverage in them.

Tag treatment is considered a cosmetic procedure because it is not a medical condition that is needed to save your life. You can walk the earth normally even with a skin tag.

However, because you are here, we know that you want to know tag treatment and we will give it to you now.

One of the most popular tag treatment is cryosurgery. This procedure treat tags by freezing the growth. After this, the skin tag will fall on its own. You may feel a tingling sensation during the procedure and thus, doctors usually provide local anesthesia to patients undergoing cryosurgery.

Another tag treatment is incision. Doctors will use scalpel or scissors to cut the tag off. This procedure may be done at home as well, you may however need to ensure that you sterilize the scissors or nail clippers before using them. Sterilization will ensure that you will not suffer from infection.

Ligation is another tag treatment. This is a home remedy. You have to tie a thread or dental floss in the base of the tag. This is to cut off the blood supply to the tag. After a few weeks, the tag will dry and may fall on its own.

Aside from these procedures, there are other treatments done to get rid of tags.

These are using over the counter tag treatment like Dermasil. It may help to know that FDA does not approve Dermasil for tag treatment but they are usually effective.

Dermasil helps to dry the skin tag. It gets rid of skin tags without causing harm to the normal skin around it.

Some other skin tag treatments used are nail polish, toothpaste, and essential oils. Baking soda mixed into a paste with castor oil is known to shrink and get rid of tags easily.

Finally, because of the presence of several treatments, you may feel that it is necessary to get rid of it. Actually, it is not, you can leave a normal life even with a tag hanging in your face, neck, armpit and under the breast. They are not harmful and will not pose danger to your health. Skin tags may however become irritated because of rubbing it with your skin, clothing or in some cases the seat belt in your car. This is the reason why most people want to rid of tags.

If you do not have any problem with the tag, you may leave it alone. However, if you think it is not pretty to have it on, then you may choose among the skin tag treatment mentioned above.

You may also want to check with your doctor for his advice. This will ensure that your health and well-being is taken cared of.

Categorized as Acne

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