Acne Removal Treatments and Remedies

Everywhere you look you can find “wonder” treatments for acne that are touted to provide instantaneous relief. Just about everyone you know has some kind of magical remedy or secret advice for acne removal and acne skin care.

Pimples are very common to most teens as this is part of growing up. However, if they are not properly guided as to how to treat pimples and care for their face, they may end up having acne breakouts. And this does not only happen to teens. Acne problems can definitely occur to adults as well.

Acne comes out when bacteria and oil are trapped underneath the surface of the skin. This happens when the face is not thoroughly cleaned regularly, especially if it has been exposed to dust and dirt for a long period of time. Acne breakouts may also be considered “inherited” – it may be genetic and the issue runs in the family due to the skin type.

Many people who suffer from acne choose go for some sort of medical treatments, such as pills, creams, and even cosmetic surgeries. They either don’t realize or don’t care that they are only getting a temporary solution – by treating the symptom, rather than the cause of the problem.

If you are looking for a permanent removal, you should not rely entirely on over the counter treatments or prescription drugs. All types of acne, no matter how severe, can be relieved by using natural methods. It will take more time and require more self-discipline, but it will be permanent and beneficial for your overall health and well being.

Common treatments for acne focus on proper self care: proper cleansing to keep the skin oil-free; eating a well-balanced diet high in fiber, zinc, and raw fruits and vegetables; and avoiding substances that are not good for you, such as processed foods, fatty foods, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, dairy, cigarettes, and salt.

Regardless of the reason of having acne breakouts, it is best to always ensure that we clean our face regularly. Washing the face at least twice daily with clean water and mild soap is recommended. Be gentle in using facial scrub as it may cause the skin to be too dry which is also not a good skin condition. Try to avoid those scented soaps or facial wash as they may contain chemicals that will just harm the skin more.

Whenever there are pimples or acne visible on the face, avoid pricking them especially with your bare fingers. The dirt on the fingernails may just cause more infection causing the pimple to swell more. Also, avoid touching the face every so often as the action may cause the bacteria and oil to spread all over the face allowing the possibility of having more pimples and acne.

Treating acne may take a while. But as long as the treatment is done correctly and regularly, those hard-to-deal-with facial problems will definitely be taken cared of.

Categorized as Acne

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