Benzoyl Peroxide – Side Effects and Contraindications

Progressive medicine knows some formulas which have been applied for some time already during the past century, and MD's still suppose them to be efficient. They go on recommending them. Moreover, these formulas might be found in a number of relatively new products, and some of them are famous brands. But really these medical products can not deliver the desirable result for in fact they are the passed day of medicine. The example of this kind is benzoyl peroxide.

Benzoyl peroxide is considered to be one of the basic acne treatment medications. People who use it achieve perfect results, which means that it is very efficient. What patients using it especially mention about the drug is the fact that it is simple and safe to use. It is also considered to be the safe and sound choice among the modern treatments for its ease of use and the foregone conclusion of its usage.

Benzoyl peroxide side effects

But do not be deceived by all this. It should be pointed out that the safety of benzoyl peroxide is only relative. Well, if compared to highly aggressive formulas as isotretinoin and the like, it is harmless but in reality this medication can not be called a natural acne treatment product, and it can cause rather strong side effects. Taking the product one should be sure that there are no contraindications against its application.

Xeroderma (excessive or irregular skin dryness) is the major side effect caused by benzoyl peroxide. On the average it adversely affects about every 30th user, inducing different skin allergic reactions. All these reactions are negative, of course. It is recommended to use a moisture cream to restore the skin moisture.

Benzoyl peroxide has also one specific feature – it has a whitening effect. Therefore one should be careful using it. It can soil clothes you put on. Wait a little to have it dried. Hair decolorization could be be caused by the contact with this medical product. However, sometimes it is hard to avoid the contact during forehead acne treatment, upper part of neck treatment or treatment just under hair.

Moreover, benzoyl peroxide refers to harsh stuff, that is why it can lead to severe inflammation and irritation of the mucosa in case it gets on it. If it manages to penetrate your eyes or mouth, thoroughly rinse them with a big amount of water.

Benzoyl peroxide contraindications

Benzoyl peroxide is thought to be one of the mildest and most reliable "unnatural" acne treatment medications. Still, it is a prescription drug. In addition to side effects, a few contraindications are typical for this medication.

For example, this product is not recommended for pregnant and breast feeding women, as well as for babies and teenagers under 12. These groups of people have higher risk of allergy when applying benzoyl peroxide. Allergy is exerting in high dryness of skin, its soreness and dermatitis.

Benzoyl peroxide is not suggested for usage in case a person applies anything else which also causes skin dryness and irritation (for instance, perfume with alcohol). Skin wounds are also the reason to avoid the treatment with this cure.

So, it is advised to consider all advantages and disadvantages. We suggest you should pay attention to natural cures which are safer and healthier. However, benzoyl peroxide is one of the best alternatives to choose from.

Natural acne treatment

Experts in medicine who choose progressive techniques apply more often at present to natural acne treatment remedies. This is surely right. And it is of course a right road: among different advantages, natural acne treatment products are awesome because they normally have less side effects in comparison with old chemical products like benzoyl peroxid. Of course, you will feel better while using natural acne products, you might also find them more effective and will not have to worry about negative side effects which may lead to quicker and better acne curing.

Categorized as Acne

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