The delicate skin on the neck is one of the first places to show signs of aging. The neck is composed of a complex network of muscles and tendons that are linked to the jaw and facial muscles. Sun light, gravity and lack of exercise are the biggest causes of sagging around the neck. Like any other muscle in the body, the muscles of the neck also can be firmed and toned through exercise.
Neck exercises should target the large muscles (platysma, trapezius and the sternocleidomastoid) of the neck that help hold the head upright. Five simple exercises for the neck muscles are listed below:
1. Stand in a room facing a mirror, pout your lips out like you are kissing and hold it for three seconds. From the kissing position, bring the lips back so that you are doing a wide grin.
• Hold the grin for three seconds and then open the mouth as wide as you can and hold this for three seconds.
• Repeat this exercise 20 to 30 times twice a day.
2. Hold your head straight out so that your chin is parallel to the floor. Perform this exercise while you are sitting or standing. Turn your head as far to the left as you can do comfortably.
• Tilt your head backward as far as you can comfortably, and hold it in this position for 5 to 10 seconds. This is one repetition.
• Move your head back to the original position and repeat the process of turning your head, but this time to the right. Repeat the action by moving it toward the left and right side for a total of 10 repetitions.
3. You can do this exercise while watching TV or just sitting. Start by looking at the ceiling. Your chin should be pointing straight out toward the TV.
• Keep your lips closed, but not tightly, and begin to make a chewing motion as if you were chewing gum. You should feel a tightening in your neck that tells you that you are doing the exercise properly.
• Repeat this exercise for at least 20 times and try doing it three times per day.
4. Sit up straight on the edge of a chair and hold your head straight so that your chin is parallel to the floor. Tilt your head backward slowly as far as you comfortably can, or until you are looking straight up at the ceiling.
• Hold your head in this position for 10 seconds before slowly moving it back to the original position. This is one repetition.
• Perform this exercise for 10 repetitions, two to three times a day.
5. Lie down on the floor, grab your neck with both hands (one on each side) and lift your head off the floor with the front of the neck.
• Feel the contraction of the muscles with the palms of the hands. Repeat this 30 times.
• Next, move the arms to the sides of the body lift the head off the floor about ΒΌ inches, using the front of the neck and rotate the head side to side.
• Work up to 30 repetitions.
To keep your neck supple and flexible, stretch your neck every day by doing these easy exercises. Massaging your neck once in a week is a good exercise. When you take care of your face, take care of your neck also. The neck exercises help you to firm up the front part of the neck where the marks of aging show up first.