Many people focus on external procedures and care to prevent and reverse the signs of aging. While a quality face cream and proper skin care will play a large role in your youthful appearance, the vitamins and minerals you ingest should not be overlooked. Dietary supplements used in unison with a good skin care regimen, proper sleep and exercise, and proper nutrition can take years off your face and leave you looking and feeling amazing.
Natural and Organic Supplements
When supplementing your diet to achieve a younger and healthier look, be sure to stick to natural and organic supplements. Adding extra chemicals or toxins into your skin and body may cancel out any positive effects your supplements could be having. Taking supplements that occur naturally in nature or in your own body will ensure you aren’t introducing any foreign ingredients that could do your skin damage.
Antioxidants are one of the most important supplements when it comes to anti-aging. They fight the free radicals that can cause your skin to look older and will help to detoxify your skin. Human growth hormone, or HGH, is naturally produced in your body but its production decreases as you age. Taking HGH as a supplement can slow and reversing the effects of aging. Vitamin A, C, D, E, and K will all help to improve your circulation, stimulate collagen production, and work as antioxidants. Proteins, amino acids, Omega-3 fatty acids, and natural oils will also help your skin retain its youthful glow.
Understand How They Work
When taking supplements be sure to get more information than what you see on the label. Some vitamins and minerals cannot be absorbed by your body on their own and may require another mineral to help it properly break down and be ingested. Some manufacturer’s will fill their labels up with ingredients that sound amazing but be sure you’re buying from a trusted company that only sells products which work.
Supplement with Water
Proper hydration is one of the most important secrets to eternal youth. Dry skin can look older and will develop more wrinkles. While using a good face cream can help, staying hydrated from within will make your skin look many times younger. Improving your overall health will improve the appearance of your skin, so get a good amount of exercise, get some rest, and give your body the right vitamins and minerals it needs to repair and rejuvenate your skin.