Simple Tips to Keep Your Skin Looking Younger

For young, beautiful looking skin you don’t need to spend a fortune on skin creams, treatments, or surgical procedures.  Preventing future damage and repairing existing lines and wrinkles can be accomplished with some simple, natural tips and habits that won’t break your budget or take up too much of your time and energy.

Keep Your Skin Clean… Just Not Too Clean

Wash off that makeup before you go to bed and rinse away the all sleep oils you wake up to in the morning.  Aside from that, you don’t need to keep scrubbing away at your face throughout the day.  A good exfoliation about once a week can help remove dead skin and show the fresh new layers underneath, but washing or exfoliating too much can leave your skin dry and more prone to wrinkling.  Washing with a gentle soap that suits your skin type twice a day is a good routine to keep the right amount of natural oils and moisture in your skin.

Hydrating and Moisturizing

After both face washing sessions, apply a face cream suitable to your type of skin.  In the morning you should apply your lotion and let it soak in before applying your makeup.  Before bed, apply your moisturizer to a clean face and let it your soak up all the vitamins and minerals while you sleep.  Be sure to also drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin and body hydrated.  Preventing dehydration will keep your skin supple and soft.

Stay Out of the Sun

UV rays one of the biggest causes of premature aging.  When you’re out in the sun, be sure to use adequate sunscreen and keep your eyes protected with sunglasses.  If you can’t go without that look of sun kissed skin, you may want to consider tanning alternatives, such as self tanning lotions or spray tans.

Blood and Oxygen Flow

Increasing the blood flow to your skin will keep it looking healthier and will allow it to repair itself.  Regular exercise will increase the flow of nutrients and oxygen to your skin.  A good way to stimulate blood flow to your face is through gentle exfoliation, which will draw more nutrients and oxygen to the outer layers of your skin.

Keeping your skin young and fresh looking doesn’t need to be a complicated endeavour.  Just be gentle with your skin and keep in mind that what you put in and on your body can have lasting effects.  Using a good quality skin cream and sticking to a simple cleansing routine will go a long way in helping you fight the effects of aging.

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