The Best Diet For Diverticulitis

What Are Diverticula? As humans age, they often develop increased pressure in their colon. This pressure is often caused by increasing episodes of constipation. As the pressure is applied to the colon, over time, small tissue pockets or sacs develop outward from the wall of the colon. These sacs are called diverticula. The singular is… Continue reading The Best Diet For Diverticulitis

Categorized as Anti-Aging

The Chemistry of Allergies

An allergy is characterized as an immune reaction to the presence of certain substances in one’s body. Allergies occur when the immune system mistakes a harmless substance for a pathogen. The immuniglobin responsible for allergies is the IgE immuniglobin. Humans are not born with IgE antibodies in their body. The IgE develops 10 days after… Continue reading The Chemistry of Allergies

Categorized as Skin Care