Unfortunately, as we age, skin wrinkles become a part of the aging process. There are also other factors that can accelerate the process, the most common of which is sun exposure. As we age, the skin loses its turgor and elasticity. It also loses some of its outer protective layer. The subcutaneous fat cells die,… Continue reading Skin Wrinkles? Get Rid of Skin Wrinkles Yourself
Author: Aisha
Skin Allergy Definition, Causes and Symptoms
What is a skin allergy? A skin allergy is a reaction caused by a substance that comes in contact with the skin, thus a skin allergy. Some types of contact skin allergies are dermatitis, eczema and hives. Contact dermatitis develops when the skin comes in contact with something that a person is allergic to. A… Continue reading Skin Allergy Definition, Causes and Symptoms
Acne – What Are the Classifications of Acne?
Acne can be easily divided in to three main types. All these three types of acne are further classified and this classification is usually based on the severity of the condition. The severity is further based on the number of lesions that are present on the body in conjunction with the presence of persistence, psychological… Continue reading Acne – What Are the Classifications of Acne?
Rosacea – Is it Really "The Curse of the Celts?"
Countries affected by Rosacea It is widely reported that Rosacea tends to affect people of north-western European descent and is called the curse of the Celts by some in Britain and Ireland. However it is considered significant in a number of other countries including Canada, the USA and Sweden. In Canada it affects around 1.5… Continue reading Rosacea – Is it Really "The Curse of the Celts?"
Wrinkle Cream – An Effective Treatment For Wrinkles
A wrinkle basically is a crease or fold in the skin. Wrinkles usually appear on the skin as we grow older. Wrinkling of the skin is a natural aging process. As we age, our skin also ages and become thinner, drier and less flexible. When we are young, the skin has a natural ability to… Continue reading Wrinkle Cream – An Effective Treatment For Wrinkles
What is the Best Wrinkle Treatment?
Many people will tell you that the best wrinkle treatment is cosmetic surgery. While it is true that the only thing that will eliminate wrinkles is cosmetic surgery, there are many products that will lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. And preventative maintenance will help hold off the onset of wrinkles much longer.… Continue reading What is the Best Wrinkle Treatment?