Skin Care Tips

Regardless of if your skin is perfect or if it has some imperfections, you will need to know what you should do in order to take care of your skin. Skin care is very important to everybody, and there are many things that you can do to help your cause. 1. The number one thing… Continue reading Skin Care Tips

Categorized as Skin Care

Skin Diseases And Your Face: A Look At The Major Skin Diseases That Affect The Face

The face is affected by various skin disorders. Some of these do not constitute serious health problems to the affected persons while there are others that can cause untold damages. In view of the fact that most skin disease seem to have similar characteristics, it is better to seek the help of relevant medical practitioners… Continue reading Skin Diseases And Your Face: A Look At The Major Skin Diseases That Affect The Face

Categorized as Skin Care

Skin Allergies

Contact with even small amounts of some substances can cause skin allergies. Common causes of work-related skin allergies include acrylate glues (super glues), epoxies, textile dyes or resins, and latex. Definition of Allergy skin test Allergy skin test: Test done on the skin to identify the allergy substance (the allergen) that is triggering the allergic… Continue reading Skin Allergies

Categorized as Skin Care

Three Common Skin Diseases

Dermatitis, or skin disease, is one of the most common problems that people have. Skin disease come s in many different forms and strike all different areas of the body. Most of these afflictions are not contagious, being the result of allergies and other conditions, but some, such as warts, can be spread. Three of… Continue reading Three Common Skin Diseases

Categorized as Skin Care

Dosage of Glutathione As an Antioxidant and For Whitening Purposes

Glutathione ( pronounced “gloota-thigh-own” ) also known as GSH is the body’s essential health AID – Skin Whitener, Antioxidant, Immune booster and Detoxifier Glutathione skin whitening regimen has been widely used in Asia and has been reported to be the Asian Most Prescribed Oral Skin Whitener among the skin whitening products, and often referred to… Continue reading Dosage of Glutathione As an Antioxidant and For Whitening Purposes

Categorized as Skin Care