Can Glycerin Heal Acne?

Glycerin is a versatile ingredient used in the food as well as cosmetic industry. Most of us have come across soaps, beauty products and acne products containing glycerin. What makes glycerin a versatile product? What are its skin healthy properties? Can it heal acne and other skin diseases? Let's find out! Delving into the chemistry… Continue reading Can Glycerin Heal Acne?

Categorized as Skin Care

Eczema Clothing – How Does Clothing Effect Eczema Symptoms?

Having eczema, generally means the skin is exceptionally sensitive and there are many factors involved in creating eczema symptoms. One in particular is the clothes we wear, more importantly what materials they are made from. As someone with eczema, you should be aware of the potential irritation that certain materials can bring and look into… Continue reading Eczema Clothing – How Does Clothing Effect Eczema Symptoms?

Categorized as Skin Care

White Ice Teeth Whitening Review – Is White Ice the Best Teeth Whitening Product on the Market?

White Ice teeth whitening, the best on the market? I’ve heard many friends and coworkers talk about this whitening product for your teeth call White Ice. It is pretty popular and considered one of the best teeth whitening product on the market. However, I don’t instantly trust everything these days, especially hype and bogus claims.… Continue reading White Ice Teeth Whitening Review – Is White Ice the Best Teeth Whitening Product on the Market?

Categorized as Skin Care