A Permanent Cure For Cold Sores and Herpes – All Natural

Cold sores are caused by a virus called herpes simplex type I. It is an infectious illness that is also contagious and recurrent. Usually is manifested as small blisters on the lip or around the lips. Sometimes, those blisters are filled with a transparent liquid.

Cold sores have 3 stages of development:

  • Stage1 – tingling, itching and burning beneath the skin (around the mouth or the nose);
  • Stage2 – small red bump begin to blister;
  • Stage3 – the blisters fill with fluid, forming a full-scale cold sore.

There are different situations when cold sores are happy to appear. Those special causes are:

  • Excessive exposure to sun in the summer and cold wind in the winter;
  • Some kind of infectious illness ( like flu or cold);
  • Emotional shock or upsets;
  • Continuous stress – related with school, work or family;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Weakness of immune system;

Learning that cold sores are contagious there are some ways to prevent the infection:

  • Do not use the same cups or cutlery used by a infected person;
  • Do not kiss persons that have cold sores;
  • Change your tooth brush as soon as cold sore disappeared;

Some statistics reveal that 70% – 80% of old population have in their system the herpes simplex virus Type I. The first contamination take place in childhood but does not generate symptoms. Sometimes the virus sleeps for years and we see cold sores only once a year or few years. In this case, we can apply a temporary cure for cold sores.

Here are some tips to cure cold sores (this is not a permanent cure for cold sores and herpes):

  • Always use a lip balm with UV protection;
  • When is still in stage1 use an ice cube and hold it to the surface for 10 minutes, 4 or 5 times a day;
  • Massage that surface with Aloe Vera juice or actual plant – it will slow down the infection;
  • The same thing with vinegar, cabbage leafs even cigarette ash;
  • Cover the blister with tooth paste – it will dry those blisters;
  • This is my best tip to prevent cold sore- it has to be applied on the tingling stage – rub the surface with hair as much as you can, every time you will remember. Trust me, it really works.

But in some cases the virus is very awake. In this case we see cold sores appearing every month. And sometimes are aggressive and painful.

There are also complications: eye infection, sensitivity to light, conjunctivitis, throat infection and sometimes even meningitis.

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