Can Tea Tree Oil Be Used As Treatment for Rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin disorder that is mainly seen with people who have fair and light skin. Women are most vulnerable to this condition. It is mostly seen as red spots in various body parts such as chin, forehead, nose, cheeks, neck, scalp, ears or at times on the scalp. It usually starts at the age of 30 and is mostly characterized by flare ups with periods of reprieve.

Tea tree oil is one of the substances that have been discovered for its ability to control flare-ups. Tea tree oil is extracted from the tea tree that grows mostly in Australia with different varieties of shrubs.


Tea tree has numerous benefits aside from the soothing and controlling of Rosacea. It is also useful in treating infections that are associated with bacteria and fungi. It is also a powerful natural antiseptic. Because of this, it is able to reduce inflammation, redness and swelling that is usually associated with Rosacea.

Another benefit is that it does not cause any irritation to the skin. It also has no fragrance and when applied, it does not leave an oily residue as is common with all other facial creams and chemicals. This makes it useful for Rosacea since a majority of individuals can safely use products with this ingredient.


Tea tree oil is available in many products as their main ingredient such as soaps, body wash and lotions. Though it is very useful, it should never be swallowed as it can cause damage to the nerves when ingested. It can also be found in its pure form in most drug stores, online and also in retail stores. If an individual chooses to use it in its pure form, they should ensure that it is 100% certified pure tea tree oil from a reputable company.

Usage and application

One should follow guidelines that have been given for its application in its packaging. It can also be applied by pouring small quantities of it on a clean cloth or cotton ball and then dabbing it on the face. One should never rub it into the skin and always dub with a lot of pressure. It should not be applied on skin that is broken so as to prevent irritation.

Side effects

As with all other skin care products, a minority may develop side effects to tea tree oil. These side effects are usually visible in forms of skin hypersensitivity reactions, dermatitis due to systematic or allergic contact or a combination of both and erythema. At times it can cause linear immunoglobulin which is a disease that is known to cause vesicular skin lesions.

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