Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea is a skin condition, which develops irrespective of a persons skin type. In several cases, it also causes irritation to the delicate eye area or the eyes itself.

Persons who develop eye infections should practice regular eyelid hygiene, including washing with prescribed solutions and applying warm compresses several times a day. In mild cases, the condition is known to have reduced by avoiding stressful and traumatic situations. The National Rosacea Society suggests that persons dealing with this condition may maintain a journal to help recognize and decrease trigger situations.

Some persons maybe prescribed oral antibiotics, which include tetracycline, Doxycycline and Minocycline. Topical antibiotics such as Metronidazole, maybe approved to relieve swelling and partial redness. Oral antibiotics may provide relief from Ocular Rosacea. If symptoms continue, at times Isotretinoin is prescribed. Unfortunately, the antibiotic treatments can cause undesirable side effects, especially when used long-term.

Flushing and swelling of the face can be treated with Clonidine. Its side effects include sleepiness and lowering of blood pressure. Monoxidine, a popular alternative, is less efficient. Determining the cause of flushing is vital. For example, if reddening occurs from consumption of red wines or other foodstuff that contains high amounts of histamine, prescribing antihistamines such as Zyrtec or Claritin could be helpful.

Single wavelength or broad range laser machines are also effective treatment devices for Rosacea. It uses light rays to go through the epidermis and mark the capillaries in the dermis layer of the skin. The heat generated damages these vessels causing them to be absorbed by the human body’s inherent defense mechanism. At times, one may use CO2 lasers to eliminate surplus tissues caused by Phymatous Rosacea.

It is essential to maintain a gentle skin-purification routine using skin friendly cleansers and toning solutions. Protection from the sun is important and regular use of a sunscreen containing a high SPF factor and blocking agents such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are advisable. Rosacea treatments differ from person to person, depending on the type of skin and the severity of the condition itself.

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