Skin Care For Rosacea – The Effects Of Ultra-Violet Light

Here are a couple of useful tips to help you with your Rosacea problem that you can try today. They are quick and easy to implement and are particularly helpful at this time of the year. There is no point in waiting until tomorrow, next week or next month. These tips will help you find some relief for your Rosacea condition right now. Take the next 2 minutes to read this short article and then act on the tips straight away. Read this now and get results starting NOW!

Skin Care For Rosacea

The plain and simple truth about Rosacea is that there isn’t a single known cause, that is to say there are many, many factors which contribute to the onset of Rosacea.

Some of the known triggers are the foods and drinks which form a part of our everyday diets. Other causes are the chemicals which we use as part of our normal routines, the make-up we wear and the soaps and shampoos we use everyday to cleanse ourselves.

But another cause which can have a major effect on skin care for Rosacea patients, and the one that is the most difficult to eliminate from our lives is Sunshine, or more specifically, ultra-violet light.

The best way to avoid the negative effects of UV light is to avoid it as much as you can. Stay inside at the height of the sun, wear a wide-brimmed hat and stay covered up as much as possible. The less skin that is exposed to ultra-violet light, the less chance there will be of a Rosacea attack.

However, if the prospect of living life, like a badly dressed hermit, avoiding daylight hours and only venturing out at night doesn’t appeal much, then you need to invest in a good quality, high protection factor sun cream.

But choose carefully, because even the sun block which we apply to protect ourselves from the worst effects of the sun, can themselves trigger a Rosacea flare up.

The majority of the sunscreens that we apply to our skins contain somewhere between 2% and 5% Benzophenone, Oxybenzone or Benzophenone-3. This particular chemical substance group reacts to, and is activated by ultra-violet light. Which for most people is great, and just what the sunscreen is supposed to do. But for Rosacea patients this spells disaster as the activated chemical will cause a varying amount of flushing in the skin.

So, avoid exposure to UL light whenever you can and be sure, when choosing suncream, ensure that you choose one with both a high protection factor and also one which doesn’t contain Benzophenone, Oxybenzone or Benzophenone-3.

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