How to Remove Hard Thick Skin From Under The Soles Of Your Feet? Causes Symptoms & Callus Treatment

Have you got a problem with hard thick skin under the heels of your feet? Not only is pain a likely symptom if the skin is really thick, so is frustration. It can be a seriously annoying condition because no sooner do you get rid of hard crusty layers that have built up, the problem is back. If you have hard skin under the soles of your feet then it is less likely to return as quickly if it’s removed “properly”.

Why when no one can see the feet do they need to be cared for regular? Just because the feet sit snug inside shoes and not as often visible like other body parts, is more the reason to keep an eye on them.

The feet take a considerable amount of flak during the day, so treat them in the manner you would expect if you had taken the same abuse. They have a lot of weight to support and therefore need to be in good health to keep this up. Remember, if the feet become infected then you are not getting from A to B. If they are to continue to prop up the same heavy load every day, then every day you have to make sure they are in a fit state to do the job.

The lower limbs have to be strong to do what is expected of them. They cushion the impact of daily exercise such as walking running and jogging but that does not mean they cannot weaken through disease.

To keep those tootsies of yours in good health, learn how to prevent certain foot conditions that can leave you lame, or unable to walk.

Hard skin on the feet

Is it any wonder why feet play up as often as they do if they are not looked after? Excuse the pun, but put the shoe on the other foot and think how you would feel being closed in for the best part of the day with no air, or hadn’t had a dip for a while. Surely that good feeling you get after removing your shoes after a long day of standing on them is enough to tell you the feet have had a bad day. Kick those shoes off whenever you get the chance. The longer the feet are allowed to suffer in conditions as such they will sweat more bringing smell and bacteria.

Wearing shoes a size smaller than your regular size is risky.

Foot damage is usually a result of ill fitting shoes, and yet a lot of people choose to ignore this warning. It is silly for good advice to go unheeded if you want to avoid having to walk with a limp later in life.

A couple of bad conditions that can develop from untreated hard skin are foot ulcers and calluses. Help prevent them happening by keeping the feet in check and seeing to them when they need caring for. Also, it is vital to use the proper tools to remove hard skin so you don’t cause further harm to the skin.

Simple way to remove hard thick skin off the soles of your feet


Foot basin/bowl.

Warm water.

Epsom salt, oil or bath soap.

A Pumice stone.



Fill a basin with warm sudsy water and soak the feet for about 5 minutes. Or you could use Epsom salts or essential oils which will soften the skin prior to treating the hard skin.

Dampen the pumice stone.

There is no need to be heavy handed with the Pumice stone, as the skin will soften and crumble after the soak. Take the stone and gently scrub the hard skin on the bottom of your foot while the idle foot stays immersed in the water. Work the pumice stone in circular motions.

Wipe the area of the foot with a wet flannel, or drop it back into the water to remove skin shavings.

Dry the feet thoroughly.

Moisturize feet and legs.


Sharp instruments should not be used to remove hard thick skin on feet.

Diabetics need to be careful and talk to a podiatrist before using a Pumice stone

Do you know what types of walking aids there are, or ever used one? Is the answer no? Good, let’s keep it that way. Try and avoid walking with a stick, crutches or zimmer frame by remembering your feet are on the end of your legs.

What is a foot callus?

Calluses are a thickening of the outer layer of the skin. They are a typical result of pressure. A common place for a callus is the ball of the foot, the heel, and the underside of the big toe. It’s a condition that affects both genders but more the female. Configuration of calluses is caused by a build up of dead skin cells that harden and thicken.

Symptoms of a foot callus

A hard growth normally on the ball of the foot

Pain if pressure is put on the area that only goes when rested

Discomfort wearing thin soled and high heeled shoes

Possible causes of calluses

High heels

Mal-alignment of the metatarsal bones

Long metatarsal bone

Badly fitted shoes

Walking abnormality

If you are flat footed

High arched feet


Loss of fat pad on the underside of the foot

Short Achilles tendon

The cause of a callus would determine what treatment is best effective to cure the problem. If the case is mild try using a non-medicated pad around the callus to help relieve pressure. The more severe case of hard thick skin have your doctor look at.

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