Numerous Skin Disorders Similar to a Ringworm Disease

Some skin diseases have similar characteristics regarding with their signs and symptoms and their appearance. This could bring confusion and the person having the disorder might not be able to treat the disease properly. Without knowing what specific type of disease that a person or an animal might have prolongs the agony of the patient as well as giving time for the disease to grow. You may irritate the disease by giving some medicines not suited for it which adds to the problem. To surely treat a disease, you have to attack it directly but when you are not able to detect what the disease is, you are not treating it right. Assumed thoughts or feelings sometimes are not true because of the absence of facts. To avoid confusion, here is the list of other skin infections that are similar to ringworm disease:

– Psoriasis – it is characterized by skin itching, scaling and a round red patch that grows in the skin but unlike ringworm, it is not contagious. It strikes to people aging from 20 up to 50 years old. It is commonly found in elbows, knees and scalp.

– Pityriasis rosea – it is pinkish or oval shaped skin rashes which is called herald patch that are found in the Chest, back and upper arms. It is commonly seen in person ranging from the age of 15-40 years old. At a first glance, you may attach it to a ringworm disease.

– Eczema – this is an inflammation of the skin which is commonly called as dermatitis that is not contagious. It affects both sexes and 85% of people are experiencing this type of skin disorder at the age of 5 years old. The initial reaction that a person may experience at the onset of the disease is an intense itching followed by the redness and scaling of the skin. Too much scratching might cause some minor wound that might infect it and then produce some yellow excretions. It is commonly found in the regions of the neck, face, knees and ankles.

– Granuloma annulare – it is a red bump that forms a round shape that looks like ringworm disease but with the absence of skin itching and scaling.

– Vitiligo – the famous person that has this type of skin diseases is Michael Jackson. This disorder affects the pigmentation of the skin which is called melanocytes causing unbalanced skin color. It is a white patch that travels some areas of the skin that might gradually cover the whole skin which spreads like ringworm disease. Like in the case of Michael Jackson, the vitiligo has changed his black appearance into a white complexion. It created a rumor that he had a skin bleaching. This is a very rare disease that only a maximum of 1% around the world can have this. The body parts that are most likely to have a white patch are the face, arms, hand, feet, groin, armpits, nostrils,. Eyes, mouth, rectum, genitals and navel.

Take note of these skin diseases for you may regard one of them as ringworm disease. The treatments with these disorders are different from each other.

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