Skin Allergies

Contact with even small amounts of some substances can cause skin allergies. Common causes of work-related skin allergies include acrylate glues (super glues), epoxies, textile dyes or resins, and latex.

Definition of Allergy skin test

Allergy skin test: Test done on the skin to identify the allergy substance (the allergen) that is triggering the allergic reaction.

A small amount of the suspected allergy-provoking substance is placed on the skin. The skin is then gently scratched through the small drop with a special sterile needle.

If the skin reddens and, more importantly, if it swells, then the test is read as positive and allergy to that substance is considered probable.

What to do: Consult a doctor who might prescribe a corticosteroid cream if the eczema is very persistent. Bathe in warm, rather than hot, water with an emollient and wear cotton next to the skin whenever possible. It can be helpful to identify triggers such as eggs or dairy foods and to see if eliminating them helps.

Allergies are an indication of a compromised immune system. We unfortunately can not rid all allergens from the dog’s environment, but we can control some. We can eliminate fleas, adjust the diet and boost the immune system.

Researchers in Britain looked at both normal and extreme exposures to the biological washing powders and liquid detergents, which digest dirt and strain, and found that they do not exacerbate skin complaints.

Other causes include hair care products, including hair dye and permanent solution, and face makeup products.


· fragrance ingredients found in perfumes

· after shave products and bath powders

· preservatives and

· household products

Neem Oil:

The vital ingredient of this cream is Neem Oil.

Neem oil obtained from crushing the seeds of the neem tree has a wide range of benefits and is highly medicinal in nature. Neem preparations can get rid of Fungal Infections effectively, quickly and safely. Neem has been found to be deadly to 14 different common fungi including those that cause infections of the vagina, skin, hands and lungs (Candida), athlete’s foot and “ringworm” (Epidermophyton). Neem oil is also used for skin diseases likes scrofula and indolent ulcers.

Green People: Caring for allergies and skin conditions naturally

At Green People, we combine plant extracts, oils and essences to create organic lotions which gently assist the skin’s processes to restore its natural balance. They help to soothe irritated skin, helping to relieve the itching and stinging which can cause much discomfort.

The symptoms of skin allergies usually occur shortly after the body contacts the allergen, within no more than 48 hours. Common symptoms of the skin allergies consist of redness, blistering, itching, swelling of the skin that affect the epidermis under the form of rashes, hives, eczemas etc.

Prevention Plan

1. Change the Diet — You Must Feed an Anti-Yeast Diet

An anti-yeast diet is one that includes meats, most vegetables and some diary. An anti-yeast diet will starve the yeast and aid in the healing process. However, diet alone will not control the problem, it is only the first step. Keep in mind a restricted diet does not have to last forever. Once your pet’s health improves, you will be able to expand on what you feed.

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