What to Do for Herpes Outbreak
If you have herpes, the symptoms that you’ll encounter vary depending on the following: the type of herpes you’re infected with, and the recurrence of the outbreak (first time or recurrent). But in general, here are some of the common symptoms that patients usually have: cold sores, genital rashes, blisters, discharge, swollen glands, and burning sensations during urination.
Here are some emergency tips on what to do for herpes outbreak.
1. Use the combined power of sulfur or antibacterial soap and essential oil. Sores can severely damage the skin. They can be itchy and painful, and you might be tempted to scratch them. To ease the pain or itchiness, wash the affected area with soap that contains powerful antibacterial agents. When done, pat the area dry with a towel, and then apply essential oils rich in Vitamin E. Doing this will help repair damaged skin.
If you want to try natural remedies, applying cornstarch to the affected area not only has a soothing effect, but it also controls itching. You can also try aloe vera gel for a similar effect.
2. Use cold compress to reduce inflammation.
Many household items and ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties. Some of these items include tea bags and ice packs. Using them as compress will help prevent inflammation.
3. Be careful with your blisters.
Herpes can be transmitted by kissing or even skin contact. So if you have those symptoms, take the necessary precaution to prevent infecting others. If you have a partner, always practice safe sex. Or better yet, wait until your blisters and sores have healed before you do the act.
Preventing the Spread of Virus the Natural Way
Many people infected with the disease often spend their time looking for what to do for herpes outbreak. They sometimes forget that prevention is still better than cure. So if you have herpes and don’t want to experience another outbreak, learn how to take good care of your body. Here are some natural ways that you can do to prevent herpes symptoms from showing up.
1. Live a stress-free and hassle-free life.
Stress plays a very important role in herpes outbreaks, so avoid it as much as possible. It pays to have plenty of sleep and rest, and to live your life positively. If you can, do something that you would enjoy doing often. For instance, if you love the outdoors, travel as much as you can. Or if the arts relaxes you, why don’t you watch a musical play?
2. Have enough sleep.
The herpes virus loves to come out when your body is weak and vulnerable. So get as much rest and sleep as you can, at least 8 full hours (or whatever is suggested by your doctor) everyday.
3. Eat plenty of foods rich in lysine.
Lysine and arginine are essential amino acids that help reduce the occurrence of herpes outbreaks. Don’t be intimidated by the term, because you can find lysine in many common household food items. Some of these foods include beans, fruits, and vegetables.