White Ice Teeth Whitening Review – Is White Ice the Best Teeth Whitening Product on the Market?

White Ice teeth whitening, the best on the market?

I’ve heard many friends and coworkers talk about this whitening product for your teeth call White Ice. It is pretty popular and considered one of the best teeth whitening product on the market. However, I don’t instantly trust everything these days, especially hype and bogus claims. There are literally thousands of white teeth products that don’t deliver what they promised. To really put White Ice teeth whitening solution to the test, me and couple of my coworkers went ahead and order a sample of this product.

Do research and find reviews

I went to did some research about this product and found that it is actually belongs to pretty trustworthy company. These White Ice teeth whitening lipsticks are widely sold at 1000 leading spas and salon all over the US. The regular retail in store cost is $60 and usually comes with a white teeth lipstick, toothpaste, and on the go teethwipes. However, a friend of mine actually found this one website where you can get the same thing for less than $3.

Ordering and receiving

So we did go ahead and order the White Ice teeth whitening trial kits through a review site. I received my shipment after 5 days. So I did follow the instruction on the kit and use the white toothpaste combining with the white lipstick once before bed and once in the morning. The great thing about the whitening lipstick is you can carry it anywhere and use it whenever you want. I continued applying the solution and use the freshening teethwipes after meals.

Results after 1 week usage

After 1 week using the White Ice teeth whitening kits, I found that my teeth become 6 shades brighter than before. I guess the product really works for me and I’m pretty happy with the results. One thing though, you have to stop or avoid eating dark berries like blueberries and cranberries. Instead, eat more apples, strawberries, and peaches because these fruits help clean your teeth and doesn’t discolor them.

Side effects and risks

Almost every product on the market today has side effects. I haven’t seen much side effects from the White Ice teeth whitening solution, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. If your teeth is more sensitive, make sure you check with your doctor or dentist before using any whitening products. If your teeth is really yellow, I suggest you go ahead and test out this product to see it for yourself.

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