Because the skin around the eye is very thin and is always the first to begin to show wrinkles, eye wrinkles can appear at almost any age. They will also appear more quickly if a person has a substantial amount of sun damage (sun worshippers beware!).
Prevention Of Dreaded Eye Wrinkles
Old Sol Gifts You With Eye Wrinkles: the best thing to do to try to prevent eye wrinkles is to put sunscreen on before you go outside. Not only will it protect you from getting skin cancer, but it can also help prevent eye wrinkles from forming.
Water, Water & More Water: one way you can reduce, or even eliminate, eye wrinkles naturally is by increasing your intake of water (no, coffee, tea and soft drinks don’t count – sorry). When you drink water you are hydrating your skin, keeping it lush and supple. When you don’t drink enough water then your skin will become dry, and more prone to wrinkles – think of the cracks in the desert when it hasn’t rained in months.
Fruit Is Loaded With Water: drinking water is very hard for some people, so another way you can try to keep your skin healthy is by eating plenty of fruit. A lot of fruits, like grapes and watermelon, are a good way to keep the skin hydrated.
Cukes Reduce Puffiness: one good food to use on your eyes is the cucumber. You can slice two pieces and place them on your eyes for a time and this will reduce any swelling. Reducing puffiness also relaxes the eyes and relaxation equals fewer or shallower wrinkles.
Eggs Aren’t Just For Poaching, Frying Or Scrambling: eggs are also very good for treating eye wrinkles. The most beneficial part of the egg to use is the white because egg whites will tighten the skin and lessen the appearance of eye wrinkles. Simply place egg white on your eye wrinkles and lie down and relax for a bit.
Exhaustion Circles Just Aren’t That Attractive: another way to improve the appearance of your skin and get rid of all kinds of wrinkles is by getting the appropriate amount of sleep each night. When a human body does not get the right amount of sleep it can not only damage its health, but it can cause the skin to age prematurely, causing unsightly wrinkles to form.
High Quality Anti Aging Creams Fight All Wrinkles: all of these anti-wrinkle strategies are effective, but there’s no doubt that they require patience. So if you’re in a hurry to minimize or eliminate those aging eye wrinkles, then consider a facial cream that includes quality ingredients. When you “feed” your skin properly it will stay healthy and will be tight and firm. Two of the best are:
1. Collagen: is the most powerful substance known to help keep skin stay young, soft and vibrant. Naturally produced by the body, we produce less collagen as we age and by replenishing this critical substance, we kiss off old Father Time.
2. Matrixyl: its job is to promote a natural increase in collagen production and has been clinically shown to reduce the number and depth of wrinkles.
NOTE: Under eye skin is very delicate, so it is best to apply the anti aging cream by gently tapping it on with one finger. When you apply it this way you will not cause further eye wrinkles to form.
It’s best to use products that have all natural ingredients, like the collagen mentioned above. Botox, for instance, is created from the botulism toxin. Yes, the botulism food poisoning from contaminated food that can be fatal or cause serious symptoms which require weeks or months of recovery. Botox literally paralyzes the facial and eye muscles and can result in bruising, droopy eyelids, difficulty breathing, muscle weakness, headaches and dizziness. Does this sound like a wise idea?
Yes, all human skin has many qualities in common – but it is also unique. Your eye wrinkles might be drastically reduced by one facial cream yet that same formula does nothing for your roommate. So wisdom suggests that we look for free or inexpensive samples of quality eye and facial creams until we find one that is effective for us. Don’t spend the mortgage money on a cream until you’re sure it’s effective for YOU.