As you get older and your skin loses its natural elasticity, wrinkles are bound to appear, first on your facial skin and then on the arms and other parts of the body. There is no cure for wrinkles, fine lines, and other skin problems caused by aging. However, there are treatments that can make your skin look smoother, softer, and unblemished.
Why There is a Spurt in Demand for Wrinkle Creams?
There is a growing demand for wrinkle removal creams and lotions, as the need to look younger than what we are overwhelms every single individual regardless of their age, gender, profession, or social status. People are looking for cosmetics that can improve their complexion, skin condition, and overall looks quickly and with minimal risk. The escalated demand for this category of products is also due to the fact that wrinkles and fine lines are not exactly limited to aging skin.
Wrinkles, lines, and aging spots are not only caused by advancing age but due to a host of other reasons too. It is not surprising to find 30-year olds complaining of skin sagging and wrinkles. What causes wrinkles at such a relatively young age?
What Causes Wrinkles?
As you age, your skin gets thinner. It loses its elasticity and hence its ability to stretch. This fragile skin loses its tautness and wrinkles set in. Another common cause is overexposure to the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. Poor diet and some types of medication are also known to cause wrinkles. Genetics can also be a potential cause of fine lines and wrinkles. Smoking also causes wrinkles. The toxins in cigarette affect new collagen production. Collagen is the key factor that keeps the skin structure stable. Any let up in its level of production can cause the skin structure to lose stability, resulting in sagging of skin.
As wrinkles affect more and more people, the demand for an effective wrinkle removal cream has increased significantly. Of course, there are many other types of medications available for treatment of wrinkles, but a good number of them are invasive and involve surgery and other similar medical processes. Invasive forms of treatment are generally not preferred because they are painful, highly inconvenient to go through, expensive, and stretch over several sessions.
Some Popular Ways of Treating Wrinkles
Microdermabrasion is an invasive process that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles significantly. The process involves removing the outermost skin cell layers while simultaneously stimulating cell growth in the underlying layers. It is said to give skin a smoother look by minimizing the appearance of lines and wrinkles and hiding other skin blemishes. The drawback is that it’s painful and requires repetitive treatments as results are short-lived.
Laser treatment is also used by a fair percentage of women affected by the symptoms of aging skin. Again, it’s an expensive process and not entirely free from risks. Lasers target wrinkles by increasing the temperature of skin slightly which stimulates the skin cells and leads to production of new collagen. The result is slow and gradual, but not permanent. Many women prefer to have their skin numbed medically during laser treatment to avoid the ‘pinching’ and ‘snapping’ feeling.
Why Women Prefer Using Wrinkle Removal Creams?
A wrinkle removal cream is the first choice of women looking for a safe and painless way to deal with the problem of wrinkles and fine lines. It is a convenient way of minimizing its appearance without having to suffer the hassle of booking appointment with a dermatologist, visiting their clinic repeatedly and spending a substantial amount.
A wrinkle removal cream costs much less and can be used conveniently and in the privacy of their homes. Regular use can minimize the symptoms of aging and deliver visible results.